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AL-Maliki, Ossama (2020) Analysing and Improving the Security of Contactless Payment Cards. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Abdulla, Alan Anwer (2015) Exploiting similarities between secret and cover images for improved embedding efficiency and security in digital steganography. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Abdulla, Alan Anwer and Sellahewa, Harin and Jassim, Sabah A. (2019) Improving embedding efficiency for digital steganography by exploiting similarities between secret and cover images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78 (13). pp. 17799-17823. ISSN 1573-7721

Al Abd Alazeez, Ammar and Jassim, Sabah and Du, Hongbo (2019) TPICDS: A Two-Phase Parallel Approach for Incremental Clustering of Data Streams. In: Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11339). Springer Cham, pp. 5-16. ISBN 978-3-030-10548-8

Al Abd Alazeez, Ammar and Jassim, Sabah A. and Du, Hongbo (2019) SLDPC: Towards Second Order Learning for Detecting Persistent Clusters in Data Streams. In: 2018 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), 19-21 Sept. 2018, Colchester, United Kingdom.

Al Okashi, Omar and Du, Hongbo and Al-Assam, Hisham (2017) Automatic Spine Curvature Estimation from X-ray Images of a Mouse Model. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 140. pp. 175-184. ISSN 0169-2607

Al Okashi, Omar and Du, Hongbo and Al-Assam, Hisham (2017) Automatic pelvis segmentation from x-ray images of a mouse model. In: Proc. SPIE, Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications.

Al-Aboodi, Maher (2016) Enhanced receiver architectures for processing multi GNSS signals in a single chain : based on partial differential equations mathematical model. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Al-Aboodi, Maher and Lami, Ihsan (2014) OCBPSR: Orthogonal Complex BandPass Sampling Receiver. In: 2014 World Congress on Computer Applications and Information Systems (WCCAIS), 17 - 19 Jan 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Al-Ameri, Ali and Lami, Ihsan (2017) SCCOF: smart cooperative computation offloading framework for mobile cloud computing services. In: ICT - BDCS 2017, 21 - 22 August 2017, Singapore.

Al-Ameri, Ali and Lami, Ihsan (2019) SOSE: Smart Offloading Scheme using Computing Resources of Nearby Wireless Devices for Edge Computing Services. In: International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computing 2019 (iCETiC '19), August 19 - August 20 2019, London. (In Press)

Al-Assam, Hisham and Hassan, Waleed (2019) Automated Biometric Authentication with Cloud Computing. In: Biometric-Based Physical and Cybersecurity Systems. Springer, Cham, pp. 455-475.

Al-Assam, Hisham and Kuseler, Torben and Jassim, Sabah A. and Zeadally, Sherali (2015) Privacy in Biometric Systems. In: Privacy in a Digital, Networked World: Technologies, Implications and Solutions. Computer communications and networks . Springer, pp. 235-263. ISBN 978-3319084695

Al-Hassan, Nadia (2014) Mathematically inspired approaches to face recognition in uncontrolled conditions: super resolution and compressive sensing. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Al-Hassan, Nadia and Jassim, Sabah A. and Sellahewa, Harin (2013) Construction of dictionaries to reconstruct high-resolution images for face recognition. In: 2013 International Conference on Biometrics, ICB 2013, 4-7 Jun 2013, Madrid, Spain.

Al-Hassan, Nadia and Jassim, Sabah A. and Sellahewa, Harin (2012) Enhancing face recognition at a distance using super resolution. In: 14th ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, 6-7 Sepr 2012, Coventry, United Kingdom.

Al-Jaberi, Ahmed A (2019) An evaluation of partial differential equations based digital inpainting algorithms. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Al-Jaberi, Ahmed A and Asaad, A. and Jassim, Sabah A. and Al-Jawad, Naseer (2018) Topological data analysis to improve exemplar-based inpainting. In: SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging, 15-19 April 2018, Orlando, Florida, United States.

Al-Jaberi, Ahmed A and Jassim, Sabah A. and Al-Jawad, Naseer (2018) Inpainting large missing regions based on Seam Carving. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 5 (16). ISSN 2410-0218

Al-Jubouri, Hanan (2015) Multi evidence fusion scheme for content-based image retrieval by clustering localised colour and texture features. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Al-Obaydy, Wasseem and Sellahewa, Harin (2011) On Using High-Definition Body Worn Cameras for Face Recognition from a Distance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6583. pp. 193-204. ISSN 0302-9743

Al-Showarah, Suleyman (2015) Effects of age on smartphone and tablet usability, based on eye-movement tracking and touch-gesture interactions. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Al-Showarah, Suleyman and Al-Jawad, Naseer and Sellahewa, Harin (2014) Effects of User Age on Smartphone and Tablet Use, Measured with an Eye-Tracker via Fixation Duration, Scan-Path Duration, and Saccades Proportion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 8514 LNCS, 8514. pp. 3-14. ISSN 0302-9743

Al-Talabani, Abdulbasit (2015) Automatic Speech Emotion Recognition- Feature Space Dimensionality and Classification Challenges. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Al-Talabani, Abdulbasit and Sellahewa, Harin and Jassim, Sabah A. (2015) Emotion recognition from speech: tools and challenges. In: SPIE Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications, 20 April 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, United States.

Al-ameri, Ali (2020) A Smart Edge Computing Resource, formed by On-the-go Networking of Cooperative Nearby Devices using an AI-Offloading Engine, to Solve Computationally Intensive Sub-tasks for Mobile Cloud Services. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Al-hayani, Nazar (2015) Efficient simultaneous encryption and compression of digital videos in computationally constrained applications. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Al-karawi, D. and Landolfo, C. and Du, Hongbo and Al-Assam, Hisham and Sayasneh, A. and Timmerman, Dirk and Bourne, Tom and Jassim, Sabah A. (2019) Prospective clinical evaluation of texture‐based features analysis of ultrasound ovarian scans for distinguishing benign and malignant adnexal tumors. In: Fourth International IOTA Congress, April 18-19 2019, Leuven, Belgium.

Al-karawi, Dhurgham (2019) Texture Analysis based Machine Learning Algorithms For Ultrasound Ovarian Tumour Image Classification within Clinical Practices. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Al-karawi, Durgham and Landolfo, Chiara and Du, Hongbo and Al-Assam, Hisham and Sayasneh, Ahmad and Timmerman, Dirk and Bourne, Tom and Jassim, Sabah A. (2019) OC04.04 : A machine-learning algorithm to distinguish benign and malignant adnexal tumours from ultrasound images. In: 29th ISUOG Congress 2019., 12-16 October 2019, Berlin, Germany.

AlZoubi, Alaa and Dickinson, Patrick and Pike, Thomas W. and Al-Diri, Bashir (2016) Analysing Fish Behaviours Using Three-Dimensional Qualitative Trajectory Calculus 2016. In: The Ninth York Doctoral Symposium on Computer Science and Electronics, 17th November 2016, York.

AlZoubi, Alaa and Nam, David (2020) Vehicle Activity Recognition Using DCNN. In: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. VISIGRAPP 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science (1182). Springer, Cham, pp. 566-588. ISBN 978-3-030-41589-1

AlZoubi, Alaa and Nam, David (2019) Vehicle Activity Recognition using Mapped QTC Trajectories. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. SciTePress Digital Library (Science and Technology Publications, Lda), Portugal, pp. 27-38. ISBN 978-989-758-354-4

AlZoubi, Alaa and Zhu, Yi-Cheng and Jassim, Sabah A. and Jiang, Quan and Zhang, Yuan and Wang, Yong-Bing and Ye, Xian-De and Du, Hongbo (2020) A generic deep learning framework to classify thyroid and breast lesions in ultrasound images. Ultrasonics. ISSN 0041-624X

Albu-Rghaif, Ali (2015) Multi-GNSS signals acquisition techniques for software defines receivers. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Albu-Rghaif, Ali and Lami, Ihsan (2013) DCSR : a dynamic channel and resolution sampling for a compressive sensing receiver to acquire GPS signals. In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronics Systems (COMCAS), 21 - 23 Oct 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Albu-Rghaif, Ali and Lami, Ihsan (2014) Novel Dictionary Decomposition to Acquire GPS Signals Using Compressed Sensing. In: 2014 World Congress on Computer Applications and Information Systems (WCCAIS), 17 - 19 Jan 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Asaad, A. (2020) Persistent Homology Tools for Image Analysis. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Asaad, A. and Jassim, Sabah A. (2017) Topological Data Analysis for Image Tampering Detection. In: Digital Forensics and Watermarking: 16th International Workshop , IWDW 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (10431). Springer Cham, pp. 136-146. ISBN 978-3-319-64184-3

Asaad, A. and Rashid, Rasber D. and Jassim, Sabah A. (2017) Topological Image Texture Analysis for Quality Assessment. In: SPIE Commercial and Scientific Sensing and Imaging, 9-13 April 2017, Anaheim, California, United States.


Biney, Akua G. and Sellahewa, Harin (2013) Analysis of smartphone model identification using digital images. In: 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 15 - 18 Sep 2015, Melbourne, Australia.

Bose, Anu (2023) Breast Lesion Detection in Ultrasound Images Using Deep Neural Networks: Clustering Based Approach for False Positive Reduction. Doctoral thesis, The University Of Buckingham.


Charles, V and Cornillier, Fabien (2017) Value of the stochastic efficiency in data envelopment analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 81. pp. 349-357. ISSN 0957-4174


Ebejer, Jean-Paul and Finn, Paul W. and Wong, Wing Ki and Deane, Charlottte M. and Morris, Garrett M. (2019) Ligity: A Non-Superpositional, Knowledge-Based Approach to Virtual Screening. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 59. pp. 2600-2616. ISSN 1549-9596


Ghafuri, Jehan Sherwan Ziad (2023) Algebraic, Topological, and Geometric Driven Convolutional Neural Networks for Ultrasound Imaging Cancer Diagnosis. Doctoral thesis, The University Of Buckingham.

Grenier, Amélie and AlZoubi, Alaa and Feetham, Luke and Nam, David (2019) Towards Scene Understanding Implementing the Stixel World. In: 2018 IEEE British and Irish Conference on Optics and Photonics (BICOP). IEEE, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-5386-7361-4


Han, Dongxu (2022) Measuring Confidence in Classification Decisions for Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Gaussian Bayes Optimization Approach. Doctoral thesis, The University Of Buckingham.

Hassan, Tahir Mohammed (2023) Image Data Preparation For CNN-based Breast Ultrasound Lesion Diagnostic with Reduced Overfitting. Doctoral thesis, The University Of Buckingham.

Hassan, Waleed and Al-Assam, Hisham (2017) Key exchange using biometric identity based encryption for sharing encrypted data in cloud environment. In: SPIE, Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications.

Hassan Al-Jumyli, Waleed Khalid (2020) Towards Secure Identity-Based Cryptosystems for Cloud Computing. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Hussein, Saif (2019) Automatic Phenotyping of Microscopic Skin Images. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.


Ibrahim, Dheyaa Ahmed and Al-Assam, Hisham and Jassim, Sabah A. and Du, Hongbo (2017) Multi-level Trainable Segmentation for Measuring Gestational and Yolk Sacs from Ultrasound Images. In: Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. MIUA 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 723 . Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 86-97. ISBN 978-3-319-60964-5


Jassim, Sabah A. (2017) Random projections for increased privacy. In: User-Centric Privacy and Security in Biometrics. Institution of Engineering and Technology. ISBN 9781785612084

Jassim, Sabah A. and Asaad, A. (2018) Automatic Detection of Image Morphing by Topology-based Analysis. In: 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 3-7 September 2018, Rome, Italy.


Kadir, Govand Salih (2016) Smart identification of MANET nodes using AODV routeing protocol. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Khazendar, Shan (2016) Computer-aided diagnosis of gynaecological abnormality using B-mode ultrasound images. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Khazendar, Shan and Farren, Jessica and Al-Assam, Hisham and Du, Hongbo and Sayasneh, Ahmed and Bourne, Tom and Jassim, Sabah A. (2015) Automatic Identification of Miscarriage Cases Supported by Decision Strength Using Ultrasound Images of the Gestational Sac. Annals of the BMVA, 2015 (5). pp. 1-16.

Khazendar, Shan and Sayasneh, Ahmad and Al-Assam, Hisham and Du, Hongbo and Kaijer, J. and Ferrara, L. and Timmerman, Dirk and Jassim, Sabah A. and Bourne, Tom (2015) Automated characterisation of ultrasound images of ovarian tumours: the diagnostic accuracy of a support vector machine and image processing with a local binary pattern operator. Facts, Views and Visions in ObGyn, 7 (16). pp. 7-15. ISSN 2032-0418


Lami, Ihsan and Al-Aboodi, Maher (2013) OBPSR: A multi-signal receiver based on the orthogonal and bandpass sampling techniques. In: 2013 International Conference on Computer Applications Technology (ICCAT), 20-22 Jan. 2013, Sousse, Tunisia.

Lami, Ihsan and Al-Ameri, Ali (2020) DEO: A Smart Dynamic Edge Offloading Scheme using Processing Resources of Nearby Wireless Devices to Form an Edge Computing Engine. In: 2019 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Fog Computing Technologies and Applications. IEEE, United States, pp. 58-64. ISBN 978-1-7281-3101-6

Lami, Ihsan and Maghdid, Halgurd (2013) Synchronising WiFi access points with GPS time obtained from smartphones to aid localisation. In: International Conference on Computer Applications Technology (ICCAT), 20 - 22 January 2013, Sousse, Tunisia.


Maghdid, Halgurd (2015) Hybridisation of GNSS with other wireless/sensors technologies onboard smartphones to offer seamless outdoors-indoors positioning for LBS applications. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Majeed, Taban Fouad (2016) Segmentation, Super-resolution and Fusion for Digital Mammogram Classification. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Maliki, Makki Jasim Radhi (2015) Biometrics Writer Recognition for Arabic language: Analysis and Classification techniques using Subwords Features. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Martínez-Más, José and Bueno-Crespo, Andrés and Khazendar, Shan and Remezal, Manuel and Martínez-Cendán, Juan-Pedro and Jassim, Sabah A. and Du, Hongbo and Al-Assam, Hisham and Bourne, Tom and Timmerman, Dirk (2019) Evaluation of machine learning methods with Fourier Transform features for classifying ovarian tumors based on ultrasound images. PloS ONE, 14 (7). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1932-6203


Osman, Osman Sharif (2015) Automated Computational Techniques for High-throughput Image Analysis of Skin Structure. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.


Pal, Sandipan and Al-Assam, Hisham and Sellahewa, Harin (2017) On the Discrimination Power of Dynamic Features for Online Signature. In: The 50th International Conference in Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 23-25 August 2017, London, UK..


Rashid, Rasber D. and Asaad, A. and Jassim, Sabah A. (2018) Topological Data Analysis as Image Steganalysis Technique. In: Proc. SPIE 10668, Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2018, 106680J. SPIE.

Rashid, Rasber D. and Jassim, Sabah A. and Sellahewa, Harin (2013) LBP based on multi wavelet sub-bands feature extraction used for face recognition. In: 16th IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP 2013, 22-25 Sep 2013, Southampton.


Sabir, Azhin Tahir (2015) Human gait recognition under neutral and non-neutral gait sequences. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

Saleela, Divya and Ali, Athar and Ibrahim, Nasir and Suresh, L Padma (2023) Automated Models for the Classification of Magnetic Resonance Brain Tumour Images. 2023 28th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC). pp. 1-6.

Sellahewa, Harin and Jassim, Sabah A. (2008) Illumination and Expression Invariant Face Recognition: Toward Sample Quality-based Adaptive Fusion. In: BTAS 2008 - IEEE 2nd International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 29 Sep - 1 Oct 2008, Arlington, VA; United States.

Sellahewa, Harin and Jassim, Sabah A. (2009) Image quality-based adaptive illumination normalisation for face recognition. In: Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security V and Biometric Technology for Human Identification VI, 13 -16 April 2009, Orlando, FL; United States.

Sellahewa, Harin and Jassim, Sabah A. (2010) Image-Quality-Based Adaptive Face Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 59 (4). pp. 805-813. ISSN 0018-9456

Shukur, Fatina and Sellahewa, Harin (2019) Agents based Context-Aware Framework for Facial Identification System. In: 2019 IEEE British and Irish Conference on Optics and Photonics (BICOP). IEEE. (In Press)

Shukur, Fatina and Sellahewa, Harin (2017) An Intelligent Context-Aware Biometrics System Based on Agent Technology. In: 1st International Workshop on A.I. in Security, An IJCAI Workshop, 20th August 2017, Melbourne, Australia.

Sigger, Neetu and Al-Jawad, Naseer and Nguyen, Tuan (2022) Spatial-Temporal Autoencoder with Attention Network for Video Compression. In: International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, May 23-27 2022, Italy.

Srivastava, Mayank and Siddiqui, Jamshed and Ali, Mohammad Athar (2018) Hough transform generated strong image hashing scheme for copy detection. Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 17 (4). pp. 653-678. ISSN 2180-3862


Traore, David Daouda (2020) Automated Analysis of Cellular Signalling Parameters based on Images and Videos of Fluorescence Microscopy. Doctoral thesis, University of Buckingham.

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